July 21, 2015 | Drew Franklin
In early June we were privileged to take part in the Louisiana Oil & Gas Association (LOGA) annual Sporting Clays event down in Benton, Louisiana. More than 200 people participated, in team and tournament competition. SPOC Automation provided refreshments as a station sponsor.
The shoot gave everyone a chance to catchup, make new contacts and chat casually in a fun format. We had our beam pump demo unit on hand to quickly illustrate how our technology can solve important problems in well management. There was also keen interest in our HPS system for saltwater disposal.
2015 was the fourth year of the event and next year’s dates are already set. We asked Ben Broussard of LOGA for his take on why this is such a popular event for vendors and oilmen alike:
“Louisiana is a relational place. Consequently, the oil & gas industry in Louisiana is a relational business. Rarely do business deals happen here without both sides putting in the time and effort to build trusting and beneficial relationships. LOGA exists to serve and represent our member companies and individuals; part of this includes providing networking and relationship building opportunities such as the LOGA Sporting Clays. When 200 industry representatives from all parts of the stream come together at a pristine facility to shoot and have a good time while enjoying fresh Louisiana cuisine, relationships are built, networks are strengthened and business happens.”
Here are a few details to note from the event:
We will definitely be back next year, but no need to wait to get automation answers. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to take aim at any questions you throw our way!
To see some of the fun, check out this video recap of this year’s LOGA Sporting Clays from LOGA.