
August 05, 2020 | SPOC Automation

Should You Add a Fan or Filter to Your VFD?

One thing we can all agree on is that oil & gas wells are found in some of the most hostile environments imaginable. Consider a West Texas summer day or a North Dakota winter night — if you wanted to design an environment to destroy electronic equipment, you could hardly do better. 

Occasionally, people will ask if they should install a fan or a filter to their VFD. Our answer is always no — even though it might seem like a good idea for your drive, which is sitting on a pad in the desert, where the dust and the wind coat everything, and eventually, in a fine layer of Texas dirt. 

But we’ve specifically designed the enclosure on our drives for these environments. Adding a fan or filter will create problems that you probably haven’t considered yet.

Tyler Courtwright, one of our service technicians, recently recorded a new episode of Two-Minute Drives that touches on this very issue. He’ll give you a number of things to think about, so check it out. 

And hopefully, we’ll see you in the field again soon!