
January 15, 2020 | SPOC Automation

Well Optix: Report By Exception

Well Optix is cloud-based monitoring software that gives you access to critical data anywhere anytime. You can view real-time field data on customized dashboards from your computer, tablet, or mobile phone allowing you to monitor the performance of your assets. Configurable Alarms are based on your assets data, and alarm call rosters can be set up to generate a call out for alarm acknowledgment. Alarm notifications can be received via email, text message, or voice call-out.

Well Optix, when used along with a SPOC VFD, has the capability to report by exception and capture high speed data preceding an event. This feature comes standard in our monitoring software for all SPOC VFD applications. In normal SCADA systems, the server gets a status update from all devices on a preset interval. Report by exception will send an alarm from the SPOC VFD to Well Optix immediately, rather than waiting for the next scheduled poll, alerting you sooner to a problem. The high speed data you receive that was recorded during the event will let you to better diagnose the assets condition. This allows you to be aware of events faster, reducing downtime in turn increasing production and profitability.

A couple of examples:

Here is a typical production scenario you may have experienced. On your lease you have a rod pump producing 200 barrels a day. That’s about 8 barrels an hour. Your Well Optix SCADA system is set to poll every 30 minutes. Immediately following a 30-minute poll, an event occurs at your well site. The SPOC VFD pushes a message to Well Optix to poll the unit, which immediately sends an alarm notifying your pumper there’s an issue. Your pumper can take action right away to keep you from losing 30 minutes of production, or around $200 of lost revenue. Push notifications provide a provide powerful actionable information for your operations team.

On this same lease if you get a tank high alarm at your injection site, report by exception can immediately push an alarm to Well Optix triggering your call out roster. You’re not having to wait for the next poll cycle, allowing you to take action immediately, possibly eliminating the chance a costly spill or production loss.