Challenging the status quo to reduce
fuel consumption

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Table of Contents

  1. SPOC Grid Inverters drive meaningful ROI to your bottom line.

    Reimagine your power systems to take advantage of innovations in inverter technology.

  2. ESG goals matter: the drive to curb emissions and lower costs.

    From access to capital to reducing emissions, ESG goals are driving development in many industries.

  3. A long history helping clients increase profitability and reduce emissions.

    Reduce your capital expenses; reduce your operating expenses. Inverter technology is changing the dynamics of the business.

  4. The SPOC Advantage: from inverters to variable frequency drives.

    Reduce the risk to both your people and your equipment from faults.

  5. SPOC Champions Performance and Reliability

    Whatever your on-site power needs, whether it's primary power or backup power, our inverter technology can help you grow and evolve as your needs change.



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Now is the time to add SPOC's GRID Inverter and energy storage technologies to your own on-site power plans.

The world is changing. New demands, new regulations, evolving technologies. Reimagine your power system to take advantage of innovations in inverter technology. Whether you need primary power for a remote oilfield deep in the Texas desert or next-generation backup power for critical systems that cannot go dark, SPOC Grid Inverter Technologies has the technology and the expertise to keep you always running.


  • Reduced up-front capital expenditure
  • Reduced operating expenses
  • Reduced emissions


  • Seamless integration of energy storage and renewable power sources


  • Built-in backup/emergency power source


  • Reduced risk to people and equipment


  • Instantaneous demand response and load shaving
Marine boat over green outlined square


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Why ESG Matters?

Access to Capital

Businesses with substantive and well-funded ESG strategies have better access to capital and are rewarded with higher stock valuations as investors are given a clear picture of how the company addresses its risks and sustainability.


Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Industrial waste discharged into the environment has been regulated for many years. The regulation of greenhouse gases has begun and is certain to intensify in the coming years.  For on-site applications using generator sets, our inverters help you reduce fuel consumption to lower Scope 1 emissions.


Social and Governance Measures

Our grid inverters also increase safety for your employees by reducing arc-flash hazards downstream. Advanced electronics eliminate harmonics and correct your system’s power factor, both of which are critical for island as well as utility-connected microgrids. Finally, our grid inverters give you detailed data and feature remote monitoring capabilities, which allow you to optimize your operations while keeping track of fuel usage from anywhere in the world.


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A long history helping clients increase profitability and reduce emissions

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Installed Inverters


Kilowatts of Installed Power


Annual Energy Savings


Tons of C02 Reduced Per Year

Reduce your capital expenses

Our hybrid systems include energy storage that allows you to size generator sets for continuous operation vs peak load — meaning you can operate fewer and smaller units, often at significant savings.  In addition, generator sets are then allowed to run a higher percentage of the time at an ideal loading.


Reduce your operating costs and emissions

Generator sets are typically more efficient when operated at 70-80% load.  This corresponds to ideal operating temperatures and fuel/air mixtures, which results in complete combustion. That means you burn less fuel per kilowatt hour of power produced with fewer emissions.  
SPOC Grid Inverters can help you eliminate peak loads, reduce harmonics and correct your power factor, all of which increases electrical efficiency, lowers maintenance costs and helps you run more profitably.


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The SPOC Advantage

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Grid Converter Systems

  • Add energy storage to your on-site systems
  • Incorporate multiple power sources, including renewables like wind and solar
  • Increase safety by regulating fault current
  • Add remote monitoring/SCADA


Variable Frequency Drive Systems

  • Eliminate in-rush current
  • Eliminate problematic harmonics
  • Improve your power factor
  • Help you anticipate maintenance issues before they arise

Reduce the risk to both your people and your equipment


Our inverters detect downstream faults in approximately 1ms, depending on circuit dynamics, and immediately output a controlled and adjustable, low-level fault current for up to 2 seconds to allow downstream devices to open and clear the fault.  

This results in exponentially less incident energy delivered downstream. Faults downstream of the inverter are detected and regulated so quickly that your generator never experiences any of the stresses or potentially damaging conditions associated with a typical fault.


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Build a more reliable, more flexible, more efficient hybrid power system with energy storage and integrated sources


Whatever your on-site power needs, whether it’s primary power or backup power, our inverter technology can help you grow and evolve as your needs change. 

Add Energy Storage

  • Reduce fuel consumption for variable loads
  • Reduce emissions through the integration of renewables
  • Ensure an uninterrupted power source

Add Multiple Power Sources

  • Connect to the grid when available
  • Integrate multiple generator sets
  • Integrate renewables like wind and solar to reduce emissions

With SPOC Grid Inverter Technologies, the integration of multiple power sources is smooth and seamless, whether energy storage is integrated at the design phase or retrofitted at an existing plant.


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SPOC Champions Performance and Reliability

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Performance: Instantaneous Demand  Response and Peak Shaving


Designing a system that will provide a stable and undisturbed source of power is critical for on-site power generation. Understanding site loads and transient performance requirements is essential.  

Our hybrid systems include energy storage that works in tandem with the generator(s) to deliver instantaneous power in response to transient loads and to ensure a stable voltage source for your most sensitive loads. Battery sources are closely regulated to deliver power during peak loads and recharge during periods of lower energy demand.


Reliability: Built-in Backup / Emergency Power Source


Many critical applications, from data centers to telecommunications to essential infrastructure, cannot go dark. For those systems, reliable backup/emergency power is not a luxury — it’s indispensable. 

SPOC Grid Inverters with integrated energy storage enhance the reliability of your generator sets systems. 

Every on-site power application is critical, whether it is primary energy for remote applications or backup energy for grid-connected applications that cannot fail. We can help you design and implement the most efficient, most reliable system for your application. 

To speak with a SPOC expert in grid inverter technologies, call 844.776.2833.



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