

Hey guys, it’s Kimberly Farr with the Well Optix Team at SPOC Automation. I want to talk to you guys about a real-life scenario that happened with one of my customers.

We work with a water transfer company that’s comprised of several remote pumping locations and several water-handling facilities. They ended up having a spill. One of their tanks overran and water went down the roads of their city. This was before they had SCADA, so their process to shut down the pumps was to call each site and try to get in touch with the operator to manually shut down the pumps.

They realized this was not efficient, and it wasn’t effective, because they couldn’t always reach their operators in a timely manner. So, they worked with our engineers, at Well Optix, and created a system where they could remotely shut down either individual sites or all the sites with the touch of a button.

And, they could do that remotely from their cell phone or tablet or even their computer, or they could do it from their HMI. The system was designed so that if they needed to shut down a well, they could issue a stop command and it would remotely stop that site.

And then they were able to move the water from one facility to another. So, if one site was down or it was full or it was down for maintenance reasons, they were able to transfer it elsewhere. Using Well Optix, they have found that they save a ton of time not having to call each operator and they’re able to monitor closely, 24/7 their sites so that they never have a spill occur again.

We customized the system for them, and we can customize all systems depending on your needs. So, whatever it is that you’re wanting to monitor, we will customize the system to work for you specifically.
If you have any questions or you would like to discuss using Well Optix, you can reach me at kfarr@welloptix.com.

Thank you.

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A variable frequency drive should only be worked on by QEP certified professionals and only following all corporate, local, state and national regulations.